WSMP Multi-Agency Forums
WSMP Executive Board - Overview of migration in Wales/UK
Wales Asylum Board
Wales Asylum Forum - Asylum accommodation and support issues
Dispersal Strategy Group - Overview of asylum dispersal across all 22 councils in Wales, in line with UK Government policy of full dispersal
WSMP Resettlement Forum - Wales-wide overview of refugee resettlement and Community Sponsorship
UASC Regional Leads – forum for Heads of Childrens Services on support and placements for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children
UASC Practitioners Forum - Practitioners’ forum to discuss policy and operational issues related to the care and support of unaccompanied asylum seeking children
ESOL and Employment Forum - Facilitates discussion between key partners on ESOL and employment for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants
For further information and dates contact: