Asylum Dispersal
Many councils and communities across the country have a long and continuing history in welcoming and supporting asylum seekers and refugees in need. The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 states that an individual who is seeking asylum in the UK, and who is, or is likely to become, destitute, is eligible with their dependents for support from the UK Government while their claim for asylum is considered.
Dispersal is the process by which the Home Office moves destitute asylum seekers to councils across the UK under the UK Government Policy of Full Dispersal. This policy means that every council across the UK is expected to work with the Home Office to find accommodation for asylum seekers, so that everyone makes a contribution to providing support. For details of funding available to councils see here.
There is significant diversity amongst the Asylum-seeker community in Wales, in terms of gender, age, nationality, language, faith, culture and skills. The WSMP is working closely with councils across Wales, since inception of the full dispersal programme, to support their approach to dispersal, and promote the benefits of participation. For many years, local councils and their partners have worked to provide a welcoming culture towards asylum-seekers, helping facilitate access to services, providing / support to foster integration and harness people’s skills, and enabled the building of relationships between asylum seekers, refugees and the local community. WSMP have published an Asylum Dispersal Toolkit for councils to enable their participation in supporting asylum seekers.