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English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

The Welsh Government ESOL Policy ensures that ESOL classes are available free of charge up to the level of functionality. The WSMP ESOL Coordinator liaises with colleges and Third Sector providers of ESOL across Wales to help shape the best possible provision for learners.

Many useful ESOL courses can be found on the Excellence gateway site, supporting both learners and tutors.

The National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults (NATECLA) offers excellent support, with regular webinars, and valuable support for volunteer teachers of ESOL.

ESOL Coordinators meet regularly to share ideas and best practice, such as online support from the British Council and Excellence Gateway, as well as highlighting resources to support volunteers and ESOL support provided by NATECLA for example.

Adult Learning Wales provide a range of courses, many available online.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Policy for Wales

Policy for Wales.

Little Bridge

Interactive website aimed at children, but useful for families. Free access for asylum seeker and refugee families. Anyone interested should email Please use the reference: 'English Language Support' and 'Home Office' to help them with an efficient triage. Little Bridge will then set up a free account and offer free online training, if requested.

ESOL Coordinator

The ESOL Coordinator shares information regarding upcoming webinars, resources etc.

Contact Us

Wales Strategic Migration Partnership

One Canal Parade

Dumballs Road

Cardiff, CF10 5BF

Mail :

Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 08:30 - 17:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30

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